
C&J Blog Article



Just watched another two episodes of Glee (that's four in total) and we're totally hooked. Gonna have to take the whole box set back to Toronto to get our fill! But therein lies a time issue as we'll be glued to our PVR watching season 3 of True Blood which hasn't shown yet in Britain. OMG - we're becomming TV addicts...

We're pretty useless when it comes to committing to TV shows.  We've not even seen Friends and only bits of Sex In The City.  As we said, we're useless when it comes to 'appointment television'.  We're always under the drier or we just simply forget to watch.

On the subject of TV - we watched the new Michael Ball chat show on ITV today and it was REALLY good.  He interviewed Les Dennis and it was a joy to see their bond.  They're in Hairspray together (as hubby and wife) and we had the pleasure to see the show in Glasgow a couple of months back.  Sharing a few drinks with them afterwards we realised what decent guys they both are.  We're on the show ourselves on the 23rd of August at 3.00pm.  Tune in if you're around?  Let's just say that part of the fun involved us body painting two muscle bound models.  It's a hard job but someone's gotta do it...

Worked from home for most of today on newspaper columns and various press stuff.  Then went for a bit of a power walk to burn off some calories as we've been doing so much eating lately that we need to look after ourselves a little more.

More later...

Cheers me dears,
C and J xxxxx (and btw - those aren't glasses of Argentinian red in our hands as we type.  That's Pola Cola...)


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