
C&J Blog Article


We, darlings, are SO DIY...

Normally we'll call in the pro's to help with of our own reno', but when it came to sanding, grouting and varnishing our own slate floored hallway in Glasgow, we got stuck in.  OK, so it took most of the afternoon but the sense of satisfaction is wonderful.  It's kinda the last task in our house and we think we've made a great job. 

Now, to celebrate, we've cracked open a bottle of bubbly.  Spending a nice hour unwinding and updating facebook, twitter and our website.  We've both, rather oddly, got precisely the same craving: for a dirty great slab of apple pie and custard.  But our cupboards would give Old Mother Hubbard a run for her money.  So the diet, God damn it, continues!

More later...

C et J xx



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